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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Its been a busy week, and its not even over yet!

I can not believe that it is only Wednesday! Oh my goodness! It has been a very long week, and we are only half way to the weekend. Well, I guess technically today is pretty much over, so, a little less than half way to the weekend. It's all good, though! I am really looking forward to this weekend. General conference is this Saturday and Sunday, and I am really looking forward to getting a refresher from the general authorities and feeling the spirit and eating cinnamon rolls! I am so thankful for this opportunity, and I'm thankful I don't have to leave the comfort of my home. Well, the Pease's home this time.

I think the reason this week has seemed so long is because Scott had a long weekend last week, and its always hard to recover from those. And, last week was pretty crappy, too. I was supposed to get my wisdom teeth pulled. To make a long story in which I would get really upset and probably type something that didn't really make since, things didn't work out... I mean, not that I really wanted to get my wisdom teeth pulled, I just really need them pulled, and I was very excited to get relief and to take a little break. I didn't get either. Scott's parents came, though. That was fun. And, I guess it was better to not be completely out of it while they were here. We didn't do anything really exciting, we just hung out and took it easy.

So, Monday we didn't really do anything, but it was still a very long day. Then Tuesday we went to get our passport photos taken, which made it really sink in that, yeah, we are for reals moving to Italy. Then, today we went and applied for the passports. According to the guy, who was just a little strange, we should get those in mid-October sometime, and then we will have to sit on our booties till probably December sometime when we can start applying for our Italian visas. Sheesh! There is a lot of stuff you have to do to move overseas! And people wonder why I'm not all giddy about going... Jeez.

Tomorrow we have a doctors appointment for Phineas. It seems like this little boy is always sick! I guess that's just part of growing up, but it is very un-fun. Last night he was so stuffed up that he wouldn't eat and wouldn't fall asleep. It was miserable, for all of us. Today has been the same way. Just long. And I have wiped his little button nose so many times! My goodness! He is such a drama king, too. You wipe his nose and it's like the end of the world. Poor silly boy. I hope the doctor will be able to do something for him other than tell me to keep up what I am already trying to do, because it isn't working so well. Tomorrow is also payday! Yay! However, payday would be so much better if all the money didn't magically disappear. Ugh

Then, Friday is Friday. Hopefully it'll be a good one...

On a totally unrelated note, I can't believe that it is almost October! What is up with that? I don't want it to be October :( Time is going by way to quickly. In less than two months, my baby boy will be one! I'm not ready for that! I still don't know what I'm going to do for his party, or what I'm going to get him... I know it shouldn't be so difficult, but I'm having a really hard time with it all.
I am, however, very excited for Phineas' first Halloween! Isn't it weird that it's his first Halloween, but his second Thanksgiving and Christmas? It is to me... And, I'm even more excited for Thanksgiving and Christmas! I can't wait! I love the holiday season. It always makes me feel so happy. And, this year will be our first holiday season alone as a family. I can't wait to get all the decorations on sale in January! WOOH! I just wish there was a way for it to be the holidays without Phineas turning one... My baby boy is getting too big!

So, I just read over this and it is very... Well, it doesn't really make sense... What can I say? I'm a fan of rambling, and since I am no longer in high school, and this isn't being turned in for a grade, I figure it doesn't matter... sorry!

Saturday, September 18, 2010


Stress. I feel like all of a sudden I am made of stress. I'm told that's life, but I don't like the way it makes me feel. My goodness. I am slowly losing my mind. If you see me hunched in a corner, rocking in a crazy-like manner, just smile and walk away. I won't drag you down with me. Lol! I need to get a mu-mu and a couple of cats. Then, I'll be set!

This time around, I'm not even going to try to remember what we have been up to everyday since the last day I wrote. It would just drive me closer to my corner. But, I will recall all the days that stick out. And, forgive me if they aren't in order. Again, corner.

Well, we've hung out with the Pease's a lot... Lol!  We played the newlywed game, which I swear is meant to cause marital problems. Another night, we played cranium, with play dough! And then, just last night we had a movie night, after eating dinner at Jimmy Johns and wondering around Target. We watched Prince of Persia, which might have been a pretty good movie, if I had been paying attention, and Dear John, which made me cry. Kim made us some delicious red velvet cupcakes. Thanks to her, I am now officially human, since I had never had red velvet, or carrot cake before meeting Kim. Both are great! But seriously, what wouldn't be good covered in cream cheese frosting? Yum! I also attempted to recreate Kim's awesome salsa, which made me feel awkwardly like Sandra Lee, seeing as it was very semi-homemade... Lol! Too bad it was way better than anything Sandra Lee would make because one, it wasn't drowning in alcohol, and two, it was a recipe given to me by Kim, who is awesome, not psycho like Sandra Lee. Anyways, like usual, we ate. We like to eat. It tastes good.

Speaking of good tasting food, I tried my hand at deep dish pizza this last week. It turned out pretty good, except that the crust was thick enough to replace the Hoover Dam. Now I know for next time that I need to use less dough... We also got a blender!!! WOOHOO! Oh man, I was so excited! When I ordered it off amazon, (my favorite site in the world) I had to text everyone to let them know that I would soon be the proud owner of a crush master! And by everyone, I mean Scott and Kim... Lol... I love getting stuff in the mail! Its like waiting for Christmas morning and I get all giddy. Its pretty sweet. However, we have yet to try out our new toy.... I think I might go do that now...

Its been great to vent! Thank you blog, for accepting all my musings :)

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

labor day

Last week was pretty sweet. Scott worked for all of three days, and then we had an amazing 5 day weekend. It was hard to send him back to work today, but, that's life for ya.

Our long weekend started a day earlier than everyone else's because Scott got his standby day off Thursday. It was pretty sweet. We went to his works BBQ, which really wasn't a BBQ at all. It was Albertsons fried chicken, and some sides that everyone else brought. I made snickerdoodles, and, like always, they were a hit :) Yum. There was also some store bought french bread that was pretty delish. That was about all I ate, but it was still pretty fun. All anyone talked to us about was moving to Italy. Yeah, I get it, its supposed to be exciting. But, I am not as excited as I should be. Not yet, any ways. I'm sure I'll get to  that point... You know, after we get there and have settled down... Ha. It'll be great.

On Thursday we also we on a clothing search for Phineas. It's getting cold, and he need a winter jacket, and cold weather clothes. We didn't find a jacket, but we did get him two pairs of jeans, and a few shirts. We have a long way to go... Baby steps... We aren't made of money, you know. Lol!
 We ended the night with Silvermine Subs (Yum! But not as yum and Jimmy Johns. Or snickerdoodles...) and then hung out here, and played a game, Guestures,  And ate delicious salsa that Kim made for us.

Friday we had a lazy day, then went over to the Pease's for some delicious hot wings and fries. Good stuff! Then we played Apples to Apples, I believe... As always, we were there super late, and had an awesome time!

Saturday, us and the Pease's had an early dinner at Arbys, and then wondered around Target for two hours! I loved every minute of it. Its not very often that Scott will just walk around a store with no actual purpose for any amount of time. After we were done there, we headed back here and snacked on left overs and watched a pretty cute movie, When in Rome. I know what you're thinking... These people eat a ton! And, its true... But, I'm totally ok with that! Lol

Sunday, we went to the Pease's for a delicious pot roast that Kim made for us, and I made the most beautiful loafs of bread ever. Then we just hung out and relaxed. It was pretty sweet.

Monday was Labor day, and we had steak! Yay! We also made baked beans, and Kim made her awesome broccoli salad, and introduced us to the glory of frog eye salad! I'm going to need that recipe. I've been craving that salad all day! Anywho, we BBQ'd and ate and then had SMORES! Oh my goodness, I love smores! And Kim is a total pyro. It was hilarious. Then, we watched the epic Boise State vs. Virgina Tech game, and of course, Boise won! Then, it was time to end the night, because real life would be starting again onTuesday... Such a bummer.