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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

labor day

Last week was pretty sweet. Scott worked for all of three days, and then we had an amazing 5 day weekend. It was hard to send him back to work today, but, that's life for ya.

Our long weekend started a day earlier than everyone else's because Scott got his standby day off Thursday. It was pretty sweet. We went to his works BBQ, which really wasn't a BBQ at all. It was Albertsons fried chicken, and some sides that everyone else brought. I made snickerdoodles, and, like always, they were a hit :) Yum. There was also some store bought french bread that was pretty delish. That was about all I ate, but it was still pretty fun. All anyone talked to us about was moving to Italy. Yeah, I get it, its supposed to be exciting. But, I am not as excited as I should be. Not yet, any ways. I'm sure I'll get to  that point... You know, after we get there and have settled down... Ha. It'll be great.

On Thursday we also we on a clothing search for Phineas. It's getting cold, and he need a winter jacket, and cold weather clothes. We didn't find a jacket, but we did get him two pairs of jeans, and a few shirts. We have a long way to go... Baby steps... We aren't made of money, you know. Lol!
 We ended the night with Silvermine Subs (Yum! But not as yum and Jimmy Johns. Or snickerdoodles...) and then hung out here, and played a game, Guestures,  And ate delicious salsa that Kim made for us.

Friday we had a lazy day, then went over to the Pease's for some delicious hot wings and fries. Good stuff! Then we played Apples to Apples, I believe... As always, we were there super late, and had an awesome time!

Saturday, us and the Pease's had an early dinner at Arbys, and then wondered around Target for two hours! I loved every minute of it. Its not very often that Scott will just walk around a store with no actual purpose for any amount of time. After we were done there, we headed back here and snacked on left overs and watched a pretty cute movie, When in Rome. I know what you're thinking... These people eat a ton! And, its true... But, I'm totally ok with that! Lol

Sunday, we went to the Pease's for a delicious pot roast that Kim made for us, and I made the most beautiful loafs of bread ever. Then we just hung out and relaxed. It was pretty sweet.

Monday was Labor day, and we had steak! Yay! We also made baked beans, and Kim made her awesome broccoli salad, and introduced us to the glory of frog eye salad! I'm going to need that recipe. I've been craving that salad all day! Anywho, we BBQ'd and ate and then had SMORES! Oh my goodness, I love smores! And Kim is a total pyro. It was hilarious. Then, we watched the epic Boise State vs. Virgina Tech game, and of course, Boise won! Then, it was time to end the night, because real life would be starting again onTuesday... Such a bummer.