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Saturday, September 18, 2010


Stress. I feel like all of a sudden I am made of stress. I'm told that's life, but I don't like the way it makes me feel. My goodness. I am slowly losing my mind. If you see me hunched in a corner, rocking in a crazy-like manner, just smile and walk away. I won't drag you down with me. Lol! I need to get a mu-mu and a couple of cats. Then, I'll be set!

This time around, I'm not even going to try to remember what we have been up to everyday since the last day I wrote. It would just drive me closer to my corner. But, I will recall all the days that stick out. And, forgive me if they aren't in order. Again, corner.

Well, we've hung out with the Pease's a lot... Lol!  We played the newlywed game, which I swear is meant to cause marital problems. Another night, we played cranium, with play dough! And then, just last night we had a movie night, after eating dinner at Jimmy Johns and wondering around Target. We watched Prince of Persia, which might have been a pretty good movie, if I had been paying attention, and Dear John, which made me cry. Kim made us some delicious red velvet cupcakes. Thanks to her, I am now officially human, since I had never had red velvet, or carrot cake before meeting Kim. Both are great! But seriously, what wouldn't be good covered in cream cheese frosting? Yum! I also attempted to recreate Kim's awesome salsa, which made me feel awkwardly like Sandra Lee, seeing as it was very semi-homemade... Lol! Too bad it was way better than anything Sandra Lee would make because one, it wasn't drowning in alcohol, and two, it was a recipe given to me by Kim, who is awesome, not psycho like Sandra Lee. Anyways, like usual, we ate. We like to eat. It tastes good.

Speaking of good tasting food, I tried my hand at deep dish pizza this last week. It turned out pretty good, except that the crust was thick enough to replace the Hoover Dam. Now I know for next time that I need to use less dough... We also got a blender!!! WOOHOO! Oh man, I was so excited! When I ordered it off amazon, (my favorite site in the world) I had to text everyone to let them know that I would soon be the proud owner of a crush master! And by everyone, I mean Scott and Kim... Lol... I love getting stuff in the mail! Its like waiting for Christmas morning and I get all giddy. Its pretty sweet. However, we have yet to try out our new toy.... I think I might go do that now...

Its been great to vent! Thank you blog, for accepting all my musings :)

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