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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Playing Catch Up

So, it was recently brought to my attention that I have been neglecting my blog. So, here you go Kim, as you are most likely the only person in the world who reads this. Thank you for loving me so much! And, thank you for thinking that I have an exciting life. Because I don't... LOL

Now to catch up. I don't even know where to start. Not because we have an exciting life, but because I have a horrible memory, and I can't remember what I did last night, let alone two weeks ago. But, I will do the best I can.

To start off, Phineas now has a tooth. Yes, my baby boy has a chomper. Just one, on the bottom left side, and it hasn't come up all the way, but that doesn't change the fact that it still hurts to get bitten. Of course now that he has a pearly white, that seems to be his favorite thing to do. He also enjoys cruising, (you know, using the couch and other various objects to pull himself up and inch around the living room) smooshing his face against things, taking baths, playing with the dog toys, and just being too darn cute. We sure love him :)

Scott has been enjoying work and taking good care of me. He got a 5 on his APR and spent the last week on standby. Luckily, not much goes down in the summer time, so, all he really had to do was carry around an extra phone. But standby this week got him a 5 day weekend coming up! Yay!

I have been being a mom and a wife. Its pretty great. I love every minute of it! Even the poopy ones. Hehe! My biggest challenge this past two weeks has been cooking. I made the mistake of thinking I only had two eggs left, so I bought two dozen more this last shopping trip only to come home to 17 left in the fridge. I have never eaten so many eggs in my life! Its been an experience, and we are now down to a dozen plus 2, or 14... Other than that, not much has been going on at home during the day. Oh, and yes, I am no longer the Primary chorister. It's a little bittersweet, so I guess its a good thing I'm a fan of the darker chocolate. :)

Our weekends have been epic! How could they not be with our BFFs, the Peases. Its been great to play our games and stay up till 1:30 eating lots of delicious food and of course, keeping the trophy, because we are that awesome. LOL We won newly weds, and cranium, and had a great time, too! One day, they might get it back, but I just don't know. We're pretty awesome. I will miss them :( A lot :(

Which reminds me... WE GOT ORDERS TO AVIANO ITALY! Am I excited? I'm not quite sure yet. I mean its Italy, whats not to be excited about? Well there's the fact that its a foreign country. I don't know how anything works! And there's the fact that we just got here 6 months ago, and I'm not really looking forward to redoing that whole process. Moving is a pain in the butt. And what about our puppies? And my plants? I'm pretty attached to both. I don't know. I'm very stressed. But there is a little bit of excitement there, and I'm sure it will start to come more as things begin to happen. Most of all, I will miss Kim. She really is the best friend I have had in my whole married life. Its depressing to just get settled into a place, and make great friends, only to get shipped out a year later. But, that's the air force for you. Like I said, I'm not quite sure yet. We'll see...

Anywho. I think I did a pretty good job at catching up. I will try not to be a slacker in the future.

1 comment:

  1. thank you thank you for FINALLY updating!!!! Ryan wants to know if you stink eating all those eggs??? lol! And we will miss you sooo much!
