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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Playing Catch Up

So, it was recently brought to my attention that I have been neglecting my blog. So, here you go Kim, as you are most likely the only person in the world who reads this. Thank you for loving me so much! And, thank you for thinking that I have an exciting life. Because I don't... LOL

Now to catch up. I don't even know where to start. Not because we have an exciting life, but because I have a horrible memory, and I can't remember what I did last night, let alone two weeks ago. But, I will do the best I can.

To start off, Phineas now has a tooth. Yes, my baby boy has a chomper. Just one, on the bottom left side, and it hasn't come up all the way, but that doesn't change the fact that it still hurts to get bitten. Of course now that he has a pearly white, that seems to be his favorite thing to do. He also enjoys cruising, (you know, using the couch and other various objects to pull himself up and inch around the living room) smooshing his face against things, taking baths, playing with the dog toys, and just being too darn cute. We sure love him :)

Scott has been enjoying work and taking good care of me. He got a 5 on his APR and spent the last week on standby. Luckily, not much goes down in the summer time, so, all he really had to do was carry around an extra phone. But standby this week got him a 5 day weekend coming up! Yay!

I have been being a mom and a wife. Its pretty great. I love every minute of it! Even the poopy ones. Hehe! My biggest challenge this past two weeks has been cooking. I made the mistake of thinking I only had two eggs left, so I bought two dozen more this last shopping trip only to come home to 17 left in the fridge. I have never eaten so many eggs in my life! Its been an experience, and we are now down to a dozen plus 2, or 14... Other than that, not much has been going on at home during the day. Oh, and yes, I am no longer the Primary chorister. It's a little bittersweet, so I guess its a good thing I'm a fan of the darker chocolate. :)

Our weekends have been epic! How could they not be with our BFFs, the Peases. Its been great to play our games and stay up till 1:30 eating lots of delicious food and of course, keeping the trophy, because we are that awesome. LOL We won newly weds, and cranium, and had a great time, too! One day, they might get it back, but I just don't know. We're pretty awesome. I will miss them :( A lot :(

Which reminds me... WE GOT ORDERS TO AVIANO ITALY! Am I excited? I'm not quite sure yet. I mean its Italy, whats not to be excited about? Well there's the fact that its a foreign country. I don't know how anything works! And there's the fact that we just got here 6 months ago, and I'm not really looking forward to redoing that whole process. Moving is a pain in the butt. And what about our puppies? And my plants? I'm pretty attached to both. I don't know. I'm very stressed. But there is a little bit of excitement there, and I'm sure it will start to come more as things begin to happen. Most of all, I will miss Kim. She really is the best friend I have had in my whole married life. Its depressing to just get settled into a place, and make great friends, only to get shipped out a year later. But, that's the air force for you. Like I said, I'm not quite sure yet. We'll see...

Anywho. I think I did a pretty good job at catching up. I will try not to be a slacker in the future.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

What a week!

Let me just start off saying, holy smokes! This was a week!

Monday: My little boy turned 9 months old! Can you believe that?!? I can't... That means that in 3 short months I'll have a one year old, and I don't  think I'm ready for that one! Its breaking my heart? I miss my sweet little munchkin man. Now he's a big boy that would rather be standing up, or all over the floor than snuggling his mommy or daddy. I guess its inevitable.... Sad. but hey, I guess that means its time for number two! Hehe... We'll see.

Tuesday: Today was the start of week of no sleep. Phineas has been teething with a vengeance! The poor baby has had a fever on and off, and some not so pleasant diapers. I thought Tuesday was bad, but little did I know it would get much worse. Then, on top of that, Tuesday night, I could not go to sleep for the life of me. It was miserable. I had to get out of bed and come downstairs. I watched Australia, and read my cook books for meal ideas, till about three in the morning. Yikes.

Wednesday: Wednesday was pretty good... That's all I can remember... Lol

Thursday: Today is when things took a turn for the worse. My poor baby. On top of teething, I think he might have caught a tummy bug, and he was just miserable. As a mother, it is the hardest thing in the world to watch your child suffer and not be able to do anything for him. It breaks my heart :( And it gets really hard, too Oh, and I made some epic snickerdoodles. 'Nuff said.

Friday:  Oh man, today was great! Well, besides poor Phineas. Do I brush this all off as teething, or is it a tummy bug? It's so hard! All the symptoms are so similar... Anyways, today was payday! Yay! To celebrate, we went out to dinner with Kim and Ryan and got some delicious mexican. Then, we ran to Sams Club for some wipes and cheese rolls. Oh man, those were good. After our Sams run, we headed back to our house for a wild game of Dirty Minds. Lol. Since this weekend was Ryans birthday, Scott and I decided to let them win back the trophy. I know, we're so awesome! After a few rounds of that, we put in Blades of Glory, and at around 11:30, we ordered a pizza and some cheese sticks. I know, you're thinking, "fatties" and you'd be right. Lol! In our defense, we had an early dinner, and a late night. Great fun.

Saturday: Today was so productive! We steam cleaned our carpet, set up Phineas' corner, ran all our errands, and stole some gravel to re-pot a few of my plants as our house has been invaded by fungal flies. Yuck. We did the carpet first thing, and then left to run our errands while the carpet was drying. We spent most of our afternoon at Nissan getting our oil changed and our tires rotated. Then we ran to Murdoch's to get Phineas some bum medicine. No, not cool whip :) Then, to Sonic for a little snack,  then to a natural food store, just for fun, and then to Lowes, for some zip ties and light bulbs. We came home and re-set up our house, and finally relaxed and watched our movie.

Sunday: Phineas woke up with a fever of 101.7, so, needless to say, we stayed home from church. I whipped out my list of pirmary subs and not one of them answered their phone. I was furious. Lucky for me, I have the most wonderful husband in the world, and he called the 1st counselor, since she was the one who was so adamant about calling a sub, not the primary president... Yeah, right, because that worked out so well. It is so frustrating. I just don't feel right for this calling at this time in my life, and its really difficult for me to keep trying, when it seems that no one is willing to help me out. I think its pretty obvious that I have no idea what I'm doing. Ugh. So, I spent my day stressing about making someone else stress about a calling that stresses me like none other, on top of stressing about my poor sick baby. I even took my blood pressure, just to see... 137/76. Ugh ugh ugh. But, tonight made it all better. We went over to the Pease's for fondue! Oh my goodness gracious. I will be purchasing a fondue set in the near future. I can't believe I've lasted this long without fondue in my life! It was amazing! We also watched the finale of The Next Food Network Star, to see Aarti win. i was rooting for Tom, but I was just glad it wasn't Herb, because he was annoying. We also played some Uno Attack, which was hilarious to Phineas for some reason. I think it was because he was exhausted. Lol! Whatever the reason, it was stinking cute! After we stuffed our faces, and again let Kim and Ryan keep the trophy, we headed home where we finished laundry, and wrote this blog... Now, it's 12:42 in the PM, and I think I'll sign off for the night. Until next week!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

sunday sunday

So, I've officially decided that I'm to lazy to write everyday, and will try to write once a week.

Friday: TOTALLY AWESOME. Phineas slept in till 11 so I was able to read. Scott got off of work at 1sh, and we had our grocery shopping done by 2:30. Oh, and while we were grocery shopping, Scott lost his Abigail ring in the coupon slot! It was hilarious! We always use the self check out because its easier, and you don't have to tip the bagger. We also used to use our reusable bags, but the self check out freaks, because the weight is wrong for all the items. Sheesh. Well, we had a coupon for dog food, and the slot didn't recognize that we had already dropped it in. So, Scott stuck his hand down in there to try to, well, I'm not exactly sure what he was trying to accomplish... His ring got caught, and he while he was trying to wiggle his hand out, his ring slipped right off of his scrawny woman fingers. Of course, instead of asking the worker to help him get it out, he went into freak out mode. "Well, that ring is gone. I'll never get that ring back. This is so stupid" and so on... It was great. In the end, the lady opened up the thing, and we all went home happy.

After our grocery shopping adventures, Scott and Phineas took a nap while I messed around on my phone After the nap, and a little bit of take it easy time, we met Kim and Ry an (lol) at the bowling ally for some delicious food, and a few friendly competitive frames of bowling.
After bowling, we went to Target to look for a game and also just to waste some time. We ended up getting a classic, Apples to Apples. When we were finished at Target, we made our way to the Peases and were there till 1 am. Whew! It was a great night!

Saturday: Scott was grumpy... So I was grumpy too :) Eventually we got over it, and bought the dogs some rawhide, and to price fish tank stuff. Lets just say, that's not happening for a while...

Sunday: Sunday is Sunday, what more can I say? I was hard to get up and motivated, but we made it. For breakfast, Scott made us all some roller coaster pancakes (yum) and we watched HGTV. That channel is dangerous! I now want a house, preferably in the Caribbean.
Church went really well today. I was pleasantly surprised. Junior primary didn't go as smoothly as I would have like it to, but Senior primary was amazing! I let the kids conduct! Who would have thought that it would have be such a hit! I was very happy.

We came home and had a lovely crock pot dinner. Oh how I love my crock pot! Then it was time for The Next Food Network Star! Oh how I love my Next Food Network Star! FINALLY Aria was voted off! Perfect end to my Sunday. That, and my yummy cookie bars, which I'm about to go eat. Yay!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

day three

Well, today was monumentally better than yesterday was, and  that was due to the DOUGHNUTS! But more on that later...

Our morning was much different that most days. Scott went to work, as usual. I went back to sleep as usual. Phineas stayed asleep as usual. However, Phineas decided to wake up a half an hour later, and then not go back to sleep. It was a little rough to get going, but we survived. We then came downstairs to our normal routine up until Scott came home for lunch. Well, there was nothing exciting about lunch, except for the french fries, and it was actually a little rough because Phineas was exhausted by then. Of course he didn't want to take a nap, it's not in his nature. Yikes. Phineas finally zonked out right before Scott left and slept for maybe 40 minutes before, heaven forbid, I tried to lay him down so I could go potty. That was the end of that. Oh well. I should have seen it coming. It's only happened every other time I've tried. But that's ok! I love to cuddle :)

So, after Phineas and I established that there would be no more napping, we headed in to the kitchen. Alright. This is going to sound so weird, but last night I had a dream. To make a long story short, a giant doughnut came out of a lake and talked to me. Needless to say, I woke up a little disturbed and craving doughnuts. So, I made some doughnuts! And was it an experience! I think I dirtied every dish I owned. But oh my goodness, was it so worth it! Delicious! Phineas was a great helper. He sat in his high chair and ate nilla waffers and a cheese stick. He is such a cutie. Then, we had doughnuts for dinner. I had leftover salad from the last night before, so it wasn't too bad... But, not Scott. All doughnuts for him. He's feeling it now...

Now, we're lounging in the living room watching Americas Got Talent, trying to decide what to do this weekend.  Here in a little while. I'll cut Scotts hair, and then we'll go to bed!

Monday, August 2, 2010

day two

So, I've only spent the last two hours trying to edit this blog. Let me just say, very frustrating! Whew! I got it done, though, and that's all  that maters...

Today started out pretty much like the rest of all our Mondays. Scott got up and went to PT and then went to work. Phineas and I spent the morning in our jammies, and then eventually got ready for the day. Then, I decided to do a little online window shopping. Bad idea. It was so depressing to realize that unless we fall into a small fortune, I may never get the things I think I need. HA! You know, stuff for primary, like a laminator, and some poster board, yarn, and jumbo popsicle sticks, clothes, (of course) and replacement candles from when Thompson house sat for us and burned $36 of my collection. OOOH that made me angry! They were BRAND NEW! He burnt all the way through two brand new candles! And half of another one. Jeez, who would have thought that a 20 year old, black airman would love candles so much. Sheesh. Anyways, kinda put a damper in my mood. I also did the booty reader on old navy ( and even old navy says I have no butt. Sad. Scott had to stay late at work today to fix the AC for security forces, because apparently security forces, and hardened criminals deserve AC, but not the families that live in base housing. SO LAME. We ate a delicious dinner of salad then went to walgreens to pick up some pictures, and then to cold stones for a yummy ice cream treat, my idea :) They have dark chocolate ice cream! I was on top of the world! So good! Phineas thought so too. Needless to say, my day got way better after my lovely husband got home.

Oh man! How could I forget! Scott brought home the juiciest bit of info from work this afternoon, and it was quite fun to go back and forth with Kim over how scandalous it all was. Gossip... great fun.

Now, we're just relaxing on the couch, enjoying each others company and watching the crazy puppies tear through the living room.
Our life may not be the stuff of legends, but its pretty perfect for me :)

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Day one

So, we finally decided to join the world of blogging. Why? Well, Kim can be very persuasive, and I thought maybe this would be fun for the family to read. I would like to apologize in advance for how unexciting our life is, but I pledge to do my best to make it worth your time :)

Well, it's Sunday, so we went to church. I am currently the primary chorister, and that keeps me pretty busy. Not just on Sundays either. My wheels in my brain are always turning for ideas, so if you have any, hook me up! Scott has no calling, as of now.... People have been asking, so we'll see how long that lasts for. He spends his Sundays doting on his son, and loves every minute of it. We came home from church to a delicious pot of chicken tortilla soup and it was the perfect way to break a fast. We then watched our show, "The Next Food Network Star" where we were sad to see Brad go :( I was rooting for him. It better be Aria next week.. I really dislike her. Yuck. Now, we are finishing up laundry and waiting for our apple turnovers to finish cooking. I know, right? Sooooo very exciting.

Anyways... Is it Friday yet? Of course not. Its not even Monday. Here's to a wonderful, stress free week! And, a special shout out to Elder Nate Chandler, who ships off to the Phoenix Arizona mission on the 4th, I believe. We'll miss him, but he will have a great time, and will make us all proud. Love ya!