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Sunday, August 8, 2010

sunday sunday

So, I've officially decided that I'm to lazy to write everyday, and will try to write once a week.

Friday: TOTALLY AWESOME. Phineas slept in till 11 so I was able to read. Scott got off of work at 1sh, and we had our grocery shopping done by 2:30. Oh, and while we were grocery shopping, Scott lost his Abigail ring in the coupon slot! It was hilarious! We always use the self check out because its easier, and you don't have to tip the bagger. We also used to use our reusable bags, but the self check out freaks, because the weight is wrong for all the items. Sheesh. Well, we had a coupon for dog food, and the slot didn't recognize that we had already dropped it in. So, Scott stuck his hand down in there to try to, well, I'm not exactly sure what he was trying to accomplish... His ring got caught, and he while he was trying to wiggle his hand out, his ring slipped right off of his scrawny woman fingers. Of course, instead of asking the worker to help him get it out, he went into freak out mode. "Well, that ring is gone. I'll never get that ring back. This is so stupid" and so on... It was great. In the end, the lady opened up the thing, and we all went home happy.

After our grocery shopping adventures, Scott and Phineas took a nap while I messed around on my phone After the nap, and a little bit of take it easy time, we met Kim and Ry an (lol) at the bowling ally for some delicious food, and a few friendly competitive frames of bowling.
After bowling, we went to Target to look for a game and also just to waste some time. We ended up getting a classic, Apples to Apples. When we were finished at Target, we made our way to the Peases and were there till 1 am. Whew! It was a great night!

Saturday: Scott was grumpy... So I was grumpy too :) Eventually we got over it, and bought the dogs some rawhide, and to price fish tank stuff. Lets just say, that's not happening for a while...

Sunday: Sunday is Sunday, what more can I say? I was hard to get up and motivated, but we made it. For breakfast, Scott made us all some roller coaster pancakes (yum) and we watched HGTV. That channel is dangerous! I now want a house, preferably in the Caribbean.
Church went really well today. I was pleasantly surprised. Junior primary didn't go as smoothly as I would have like it to, but Senior primary was amazing! I let the kids conduct! Who would have thought that it would have be such a hit! I was very happy.

We came home and had a lovely crock pot dinner. Oh how I love my crock pot! Then it was time for The Next Food Network Star! Oh how I love my Next Food Network Star! FINALLY Aria was voted off! Perfect end to my Sunday. That, and my yummy cookie bars, which I'm about to go eat. Yay!

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