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Sunday, August 15, 2010

What a week!

Let me just start off saying, holy smokes! This was a week!

Monday: My little boy turned 9 months old! Can you believe that?!? I can't... That means that in 3 short months I'll have a one year old, and I don't  think I'm ready for that one! Its breaking my heart? I miss my sweet little munchkin man. Now he's a big boy that would rather be standing up, or all over the floor than snuggling his mommy or daddy. I guess its inevitable.... Sad. but hey, I guess that means its time for number two! Hehe... We'll see.

Tuesday: Today was the start of week of no sleep. Phineas has been teething with a vengeance! The poor baby has had a fever on and off, and some not so pleasant diapers. I thought Tuesday was bad, but little did I know it would get much worse. Then, on top of that, Tuesday night, I could not go to sleep for the life of me. It was miserable. I had to get out of bed and come downstairs. I watched Australia, and read my cook books for meal ideas, till about three in the morning. Yikes.

Wednesday: Wednesday was pretty good... That's all I can remember... Lol

Thursday: Today is when things took a turn for the worse. My poor baby. On top of teething, I think he might have caught a tummy bug, and he was just miserable. As a mother, it is the hardest thing in the world to watch your child suffer and not be able to do anything for him. It breaks my heart :( And it gets really hard, too Oh, and I made some epic snickerdoodles. 'Nuff said.

Friday:  Oh man, today was great! Well, besides poor Phineas. Do I brush this all off as teething, or is it a tummy bug? It's so hard! All the symptoms are so similar... Anyways, today was payday! Yay! To celebrate, we went out to dinner with Kim and Ryan and got some delicious mexican. Then, we ran to Sams Club for some wipes and cheese rolls. Oh man, those were good. After our Sams run, we headed back to our house for a wild game of Dirty Minds. Lol. Since this weekend was Ryans birthday, Scott and I decided to let them win back the trophy. I know, we're so awesome! After a few rounds of that, we put in Blades of Glory, and at around 11:30, we ordered a pizza and some cheese sticks. I know, you're thinking, "fatties" and you'd be right. Lol! In our defense, we had an early dinner, and a late night. Great fun.

Saturday: Today was so productive! We steam cleaned our carpet, set up Phineas' corner, ran all our errands, and stole some gravel to re-pot a few of my plants as our house has been invaded by fungal flies. Yuck. We did the carpet first thing, and then left to run our errands while the carpet was drying. We spent most of our afternoon at Nissan getting our oil changed and our tires rotated. Then we ran to Murdoch's to get Phineas some bum medicine. No, not cool whip :) Then, to Sonic for a little snack,  then to a natural food store, just for fun, and then to Lowes, for some zip ties and light bulbs. We came home and re-set up our house, and finally relaxed and watched our movie.

Sunday: Phineas woke up with a fever of 101.7, so, needless to say, we stayed home from church. I whipped out my list of pirmary subs and not one of them answered their phone. I was furious. Lucky for me, I have the most wonderful husband in the world, and he called the 1st counselor, since she was the one who was so adamant about calling a sub, not the primary president... Yeah, right, because that worked out so well. It is so frustrating. I just don't feel right for this calling at this time in my life, and its really difficult for me to keep trying, when it seems that no one is willing to help me out. I think its pretty obvious that I have no idea what I'm doing. Ugh. So, I spent my day stressing about making someone else stress about a calling that stresses me like none other, on top of stressing about my poor sick baby. I even took my blood pressure, just to see... 137/76. Ugh ugh ugh. But, tonight made it all better. We went over to the Pease's for fondue! Oh my goodness gracious. I will be purchasing a fondue set in the near future. I can't believe I've lasted this long without fondue in my life! It was amazing! We also watched the finale of The Next Food Network Star, to see Aarti win. i was rooting for Tom, but I was just glad it wasn't Herb, because he was annoying. We also played some Uno Attack, which was hilarious to Phineas for some reason. I think it was because he was exhausted. Lol! Whatever the reason, it was stinking cute! After we stuffed our faces, and again let Kim and Ryan keep the trophy, we headed home where we finished laundry, and wrote this blog... Now, it's 12:42 in the PM, and I think I'll sign off for the night. Until next week!

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