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Tuesday, August 3, 2010

day three

Well, today was monumentally better than yesterday was, and  that was due to the DOUGHNUTS! But more on that later...

Our morning was much different that most days. Scott went to work, as usual. I went back to sleep as usual. Phineas stayed asleep as usual. However, Phineas decided to wake up a half an hour later, and then not go back to sleep. It was a little rough to get going, but we survived. We then came downstairs to our normal routine up until Scott came home for lunch. Well, there was nothing exciting about lunch, except for the french fries, and it was actually a little rough because Phineas was exhausted by then. Of course he didn't want to take a nap, it's not in his nature. Yikes. Phineas finally zonked out right before Scott left and slept for maybe 40 minutes before, heaven forbid, I tried to lay him down so I could go potty. That was the end of that. Oh well. I should have seen it coming. It's only happened every other time I've tried. But that's ok! I love to cuddle :)

So, after Phineas and I established that there would be no more napping, we headed in to the kitchen. Alright. This is going to sound so weird, but last night I had a dream. To make a long story short, a giant doughnut came out of a lake and talked to me. Needless to say, I woke up a little disturbed and craving doughnuts. So, I made some doughnuts! And was it an experience! I think I dirtied every dish I owned. But oh my goodness, was it so worth it! Delicious! Phineas was a great helper. He sat in his high chair and ate nilla waffers and a cheese stick. He is such a cutie. Then, we had doughnuts for dinner. I had leftover salad from the last night before, so it wasn't too bad... But, not Scott. All doughnuts for him. He's feeling it now...

Now, we're lounging in the living room watching Americas Got Talent, trying to decide what to do this weekend.  Here in a little while. I'll cut Scotts hair, and then we'll go to bed!

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